WoolDrift Farm is a pioneer in Canada’s sheep dairy industry. In 1994, we were the first to import East Friesian sheep embryos into Canada, and in the 31 years since, we have worked long and hard to improve the genetics of our purebred East Friesian flock.
We specialize in quality sheep milk for processors, delicious artisanal cheeses and other dairy products, and purebred East Friesian breeding stock for farmers who are in the sheep dairy business or interested in getting started.
We strive to have a sustainable farm that benefits the animals, the family and the community. Our ewes are pastured during the milking season, usually from late April or early May until November. We try to maximize milk production from grass with the help of rotational grazing and use only limited amounts of locally bought grain in the milking parlor.
We welcome visitors to our farm near Walters Falls, Ontario, where our customers can see what we are doing and judge for themselves if they want to support our family farm.